Supporting Science-Based Decision-Making
Source Materials
UNESCO Mathematics for Action
The Mathematics for Action toolkit focuses on engaging stories of mathematics in action.
Written by mathematicians and thought leaders from across the globe, it presents
fascinating research of how mathematics is addressing the world’s most pressing challenges.
The toolkit provides insightful information for decision-makers and for all those who seek proofs
to challenging questions and it presents new avenues for scientific research.
Journal Education Sciences - Paper
Fernandes S., Dinis-Carvalho J., Ferreira-Oliveira A. T., Improving the Performance of Students’ Teams in Project-Based Learning with Scrum,
Education Sciences 2021, 11, 444,
Toolkit for Teachers on Education for Sustainable Development
Developed Examples of miniPBL Teachers’ and Students’ sheets
Generation and Consumption of Energy |
Global Green Challenge: |
The Growth of Trees |
The Waste Reduction |
Water Pollution |
The Quality of Water |
Ecological textile printing GOTS |
The Reaction Time of a Driver to Visual Stimulus |
The Movement of the Car on the Simulated Roadway |
A Bending Momentum and a Translation Force of the Support |
Free Vibrations |
The Characteristics of Magnetron |
Safe Driving of Passengers Traveling on Uneven Road I |
Safe Driving of Passengers Traveling on Uneven Road II |
Safe Driving of Passengers Traveling on Uneven Road III |